The Procrastination Cheatsheet
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Get FREE help completing projects that will actually grow your business.

(Especially if you feel overwhelmed by an endless to-do list.)

So you can stop getting lost in distractions that don't get you anywhere.

And start making a living from the projects you care about!

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 Freedom. Productivity.  Accomplishment. America.

You're here because you want to feel inspired and create

mindblowing work that changes the world.

And get paaiiiid. 

Unfortunately, you're human. 


And our primitive little human brains can get stuck in gross patterns that don't help us do what we know we should do. 

The good news is, you're human! (What?)

"Not a Big Deal"

Procrastination is one of those things that doesn't feel that bad in small doses, but added up it can suffocate, massacre, and eradicate your dreams.

Your brain is extremely good at rationalizing crappy behaviors. 

It wants to convince you that watching another episode of Handmaid's Tale right now makes perfect sense. 

But you can learn to be friends with that part of your brain.

Praised be. 



We have the Godlike ability to peer inside your mind and shuffle things around to get your act together. 

Simple hacks to make you feel better and more productive.

It's Science, Dude.

This Cheat Sheet Will Change Your Life Forever!

Just kidding. But it will provide a solid framework to use when you're feeling blah and want motivation. 

It shifts the way you look at tasks so they aren't so

damn overwhelming, and make sense as tangible actions. 

By practicing these tricks you'll start building better habits.

And you know what that means...


(Sorry, irrelevant, but just seemed like a thing to say.)

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I credit my work with Danny for having effected major shifts in my clarity and mindset with respect to my creative practice, which in turn has led to major changes in my life circumstances. I now find myself in a period of professional thriving and abundance that has been unprecedented in my life to date, and I am grateful beyond words for these outcomes. 

Kelli A.


I began with a rather daunting decision-problem about my career path as the focus of our work, and within a few focused sessions he had provided me with enough of a fresh perspective that I was able to quickly narrow in on the path I really desired and start outlining actions and benchmarks toward my new goals. And he fostered a great sense of trust and openness throughout. 

Leo M.


My coaching with Danny was enlightening. He helped me uncover some very deeply held work philosophies, helped me articulate what I needed my next career step to be and what process I needed to do to get there. I set a major goal of getting to my next career step in a new job. Not only did I achieve that, with Danny’s coaching I was confident to ask above offer and ultimately received quite a bit over the original offer with an added bonus!

Kat K.

Put some pants on and get free help getting shit done.

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"It's no longer just fear.

Now I have the opportunity to be brave."

- Jenesis, a happy camper client

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